Friday, January 29, 2010

Week 2: Online Communities (FACEBOOK)

I chose Facebook as my online community, however I am checking out some of my settings in more detail and also checking out some of the applications I haven't used but have heard about. I really like Facebook because it is so easy to keep in touch with people as well as personalizing options.

I began using Facebook at first to get in touch with H.S. friends, but it changed into more of a socializing family tool, because not everyone had one anothers emails, but you could search for people and then add them with the ability to know once they added you or got your message. As for future uses I have been beginning to use Facebook for work too. This last year I was on our Library promotion committee and helped create the Hutchinson Public Library Facebook Page as well as setting up a twitter account for the library too. We place events and displays and programs that are happening at the library, this has been working quite well but we are trying to work at getting things updated on a more regular basis, but this is hard because we don't have just a single person that has time to sit and be sure that things are entered and removed in a timely fashion. Instead we have various people from different departments that will either post themselves or give others information to post for them. Since it is fairly new we are also having to remind ourselves that we need to post here as well as posters, displays etc.
I am very eager to see what some of the other Libraries & Librarians are doing with this technology.

To check out my profile on facebook click HERE:

To check out my library's fan page click HERE:

1 comment:

  1. Love the library fan page. The logo you all have is fantastic! Hope you are having fun with this. If I can be of assistance with any of the weekly challenges, please don't hesitate to ask.
